Defining Brilliance Blog

Which Polishing Compounds Are Best for Stainless Steel?

November 19, 2021
Which Polishing Compounds Are Best for Stainless Steel?

Polishing metals are essential for fixing imperfections, such as smoothing out unfinished lines and giving them a mirror-like appearance. As you move further into developing your stainless steel products or sheets, here’s our answer to which polishing compounds are best for stainless steel.

The Different Polishing Compounds

Each polishing compound, when crafted, contains a powdered mixture of fats and waxes to form a bar or cake. All in all, these compound bars or cakes help polish the material before entering the finalization stage. Here are the three essential polishing compound categories.


The tripolis is a cutting compound, which refers to how fast the compound cuts. For instance, when dealing with high and low cuts, a high cut can remove more imperfections than low cuts. In addition, when using the tripolis, they help remove scratches and marks to make a smoother but dull surface.


The intermediates cut off rough areas and help improve luster.

Finishing Rouges

The finishing rouge is a compound that deals with burnishes. When used, the rouge brings out an improved, high-quality polish for the material.

Depending on the material used, a polishing compound can range from a coarse surface finish to a super-fine finish. However, it’s possible to use any compound for your material, as long as it can reach the desired results.

The Polishing Compounds for Stainless Steel

There are many uses for polishing compounds. However, determining which polishing compounds are best for stainless steel depends on the application, such as jewelry and stainless steel appliances.


The greystar is a compound found in many settings and used on stainless steel. The greystar’s a medium-grade composition that gives fine abrasives and can remove firescale. It’s best to use greystar with a fixed buffing wheel when working on stainless steel.

Brown Tripoli

Brown Tripoli is used for cleaning and refining. When used, the material removes scratches and gives a slick finish. Although used on wooden surfaces, it can safely be utilized on stainless steel, offering a smooth finish.

Green Rouge

The green rouge gives a high-quality finish on both hard and soft materials. Additionally, the green rouge gives metals a nice glow and finish.


An orange compound, this type works well on materials like stainless steel and white gold. If you make jewelry or watches, this compound can give the surface a gorgeous sparkling finish.

Using Polishing Finishes on Stainless Steel

When polishing stainless steel, you want to provide the best finish for your metal. At Custom Manufacturing and Polishing, Inc., we can bring out the desired luster in our stainless steel polishing services. Ranging from a simple metal plate to tubing and pipes, we can conjure up the right amount of luster for your products.

We live by the saying that if you can dream it, we can build it in our shop. For more information on our services like stainless steel polishing, contact us to get your custom order completed, especially with the suitable compound for your stainless steel product.

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