Defining Brilliance Blog

What Bollard Covers Do and Why You Need Them

February 15, 2021
What Bollard Covers Do and Why You Need Them

Bollards are everywhere, and yet bollards and bollard covers are often overlooked and unnoticed. Most people wouldn’t even know what a bollard is if it came up in conversation. So, what’s the point of bollards and bollard covers anyway? This article will teach you what bollard covers do and why you need them .

What is a Bollard?

Have you ever seen a row of posts lining a sidewalk, a parking lot, or the front of a building? Those are bollards. Bollards were originally used on ships and wharfs to moor boats. Now, these rows of short, sturdy posts are more commonly designed to protect pedestrians, buildings, and other property from vehicle collisions. They do this by visually directing traffic, making it clear which areas are off-limits to vehicles. Bollards can also be used decoratively to enhance a landscape.

What is a Bollard Cover?

Bollard covers are covers that can be slipped over a bollard to provide the structure with additional protection, style, or durability. Bollard covers come in many different sizes, materials, and colors. But if you already have a perfectly good set of bollards, why add bollard covers? A bollard protected by a bollard cover has several advantages over an unprotected bollard. These advantages are explained in detail below.

Advantages of Bollard Covers

Save Money

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in bollard covers is the money that they can save you and your business. Bollards themselves already save time and money by preventing or decreasing the damage caused to property by any accidents. Bollard covers further help you save money by reducing the amount of maintenance needed to your bollards. Bollards without bollard covers will need to be scraped and repainted regularly, a process which can be pricey, especially when done multiple times over several years. Although purchasing covers for all your bollards is an investment, it’s one that will save you hundreds on maintenance each year.

Aesthetic Value

Bollard covers are much more pleasing to the eye than plain bollards. Uncovered, painted bollards are subject to chipping and wear, while unprotected metal bollards are prone to experience rust and corrosion. A bollard with a cover will not experience the same wear and tear, since bollard covers are specially made of durable materials that are resistant to natural wear. Plus, bollard covers come in a variety of styles and finishes so you’ll be able to find one that will perfectly fit and enhance the appearance of your facility.

Added Protection

Bollard covers provide extra protection for both bollards themselves and any vehicle that is involved in an accident with the bollards. A bollard cover encapsulates the base structure of a bollard in a durable material, making the bollard more resistant to damage and wear from natural elements like weather. In the situation that a vehicle has a minor collision with a bollard, the cover serves to protect it from harm. In addition, if the bollard cover is made of a softer, more flexible material than the bollard itself, it will also prevent minor damage like scratching to the vehicle involved in the collision.

Improves Visibility

Depending on the type you choose, a bollard cover can both increase the height and alter the color of the structure. Both these changes serve to make the bollards more visible to drivers, decreasing the chance of a collision with a bollard due to a driver being unaware of its location.

What To Consider When Buying Bollard Covers

Now that you know what bollard covers do and why you need them , you'll need to consider a few more things before buying bollard covers. This includes considering what type, material, and size bollard covers you want.


There are several different types of bollard covers, and the type you choose will depend upon the desired aesthetic and function of your bollards. Some bollard covers are made purely for aesthetic purposes and aren’t intended to withstand much damage beyond natural weathering. These types of covers are great for bollards in areas with low vehicle traffic that have little risk of being hit. Thicker or more flexible bollard covers are usually preferred for bollards in high traffic areas, like along the side of a road, because they offer the bollards more protection in case of a collision. Certain types of bollards are also compatible with lights or signage, so consider this in addition to function and appearance when choosing a cover.


When choosing a bollard cover, you have several different materials from which to pick.

Stainless Steel

Stainless-steel bollard covers are a sleek, durable choice that’ll stand out at any type of facility. They easily fulfill both the functional and decorative criteria of a bollard cover. Stainless-steel bollard covers are resistant to rusting and corrosion, and they’re very easy to clean using only a cloth and some soap and water. Using a stainless-steel bollard cover is an inexpensive way to achieve the look of stainless steel without needing to purchase a solid stainless-steel bollard. In fact, many stainless-steel bollards are actually bollards of another material with a stainless-steel cover.


Plastic bollard covers are another popular choice due to their durability and low maintenance. A plastic bollard cover can withstand any weather and keeps the bollard from corrosion and other damage. Because of their durability, plastic bollards do not need to be replaced often. When they do need replacement, it costs less than painting the bollard or replacing it entirely.

While the two main materials for bollard covers are stainless steel and plastic, covers are also available in other metal materials, including steel, aluminum, and iron.


Lastly, you’ll need to consider the size of your bollard cover. Measure your bollard and determine the size that the cover needs to be to properly fit over it. Decide upon a thickness for the cover based on the bollard’s function. If your bollard is short and you’d like to give it some extra height, choose a bollard cover that will increase its height.

If this guide has convinced you of the importance of bollard covers, look no further. CMPI carries quality stainless-steel bollard covers that can be customized to fit your bollards perfectly. If your bollards have fallen into disrepair and you’d rather replace them entirely, we also carry stainless steel bollards that we are happy to customize to your liking as well. With these bollards and bollard covers, you’ll be able to keep your facility safe and looking good.

What Bollard Covers Do and Why You Need Them
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