Defining Brilliance Blog

Stainless Steel vs. Aluminum Signs: When To Use Which

July 7, 2022

The right time to pick an ideal sign material is most certainly now. You have a business, and online marketing’s going well, but you don’t have a sign for your physical location. Even if your online sales are up, your in-person sales may be down or stagnant. The best signs are made from stainless steel and aluminum, but there are appropriate times to pick each one.

Strength and Weight Ratio

Don’t pick a material unless you know the strength and weight ratio. These two components help determine whether they can be used outdoors or indoors. Here’s what to consider before picking either stainless steel or aluminum.

In technical terms, the strength of aluminum is 276 MPa, with a density of 2.81 gcm-3, while stainless steel is 505 MPa, with a density of 8 gcm-3. These numbers dictate that stainless steel is heavier and therefore more appropriate for the heavier signs one might use outdoors, whereas aluminum’s lighter and might be more useful for a smaller, less cumbersome indoor sign.

Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion resistance is key to the longevity of a metallic substance. For starters, aluminum prevents oxidation and rust from a passivation layer created from various alloys, mainly receiving blockage from the marine-grade alloy, 5052.

However, stainless steel defense against corrosion results from the chromium inside the material. Chromium is in all steel types, but 316 has the best strength and costs more than other types.

The Cost of Both Materials

You may believe stainless steel is more expensive, but it’s aluminum that takes the prize for being pricey—at least in terms of weight. If you compare the volume between both mediums, however, you’d see stainless steel is about 30 percent more costly than aluminum.

Welding Strength

Despite both being excellent mediums, steel is a better material to weld with. As steel costs more, the material is versatile, which helps negotiate the price more with your manufacturing customizer service. It’s possible to have a custom steel sign made in any shape or design to your liking, especially when it takes less time to solder than aluminum.

Which Should You Choose?

When determining the best material to use at the moment, you usually need to consider the climate. If you live in the North, you likely go with stainless steel because it survives harsh winters and looks appealing. As for aluminum, you’d expect it to see it more in the South.

It’s essential to research every material on your list. An aluminum or stainless steel sign makes your business stand out in various ways, but it’s up to you and your timeframe of when to use which.

Custom Manufacturing and Polishing Inc. makes it a common practice to educate their customers on the best materials to use before diving into the creation process. Let’s get together over the phone or via email to discuss the best medium for your business sign.

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