The Missouri State University Bill R. Foster & Family Recreation Center is one of the finest collegiate exercise facilities in the nation. The site features a variety of fabrications provided by CMPI and installed by Architectural Technology, Inc. including stainless steel bollard covers, custom single-line stainless steel handrail systems both inside the building and at the exterior entry stairway, and multiple custom stainless steel & wire mesh guardrail systems throughout the building.
Completed in 2014, this project demonstrates the versatility and beauty of our stainless architectural products. Most building administrators would appreciate the low-maintenance and corrosion resistant qualities of stainless--our rails will keep a sleek and fresh appearance for years to come. And planet-conscious organizations out to select eco-friendly construction materials can't go wrong with stainless steel, a material high in recycled metals.
CMPI's client for our work on the MSU Bill R. Foster & Family Recreation center was DeWitt & Associates, Inc. The firm that designed the building in conjunction with Missouri State University was Cannon Design. This is just one of several renovations and new construction projects at Missouri State University that CMPI has had a hand in creating, and we look forward to many more partnerships with local architects and construction companies as the University continues to upgrade facilities on campus.